The COVID-19 pandemic ushered in a revolution of flexible work schedules and arrangements. Although those changes were primarily implemented for public health reasons, many employers have discovered the inherent benefits of offering employees as much flexibility as possible. Here are a few ways that almost any business can adopt rules and standards that allow individuals to take some ownership in the way they contribute to the company’s mission.

Accommodate Part-Time Workers

While it might be tempting to fill each role with one full-time employee, that might not be the best solution for all situations. In fact, many companies are adopting a model known as job sharing, which allows two or more employees to fill one position. Not only does this suit the schedules of retirees, busy parents, and others who prefer not to work a full-time schedule, but it also provides new and diverse perspectives that might help accomplish goals in innovative ways.

Offer a Change of Scenery

Many businesses were quick to mandate that all employees return to the office as soon as pandemic-related restrictions were lifted. Others opted to grant workers a bit more flexibility by allowing them to choose whether to continue working remotely, return to the office full-time, or adopt some combination thereof. This will allow employees to determine which environment is most conducive to productivity while potentially saving some money for a company that does not need to provide workspace for as many on-site employees.

Get Reactive with the Schedule

While most businesses have adhered to traditional operating hours since their inception, it might be a good idea to reconsider the makeup of a standard work schedule. Some employees are more productive early in the morning while others hit their stride in the afternoon. Instead of mandating that everyone keep the same hours, a flexible work environment might set clear benchmarks and permit individuals to work the hours that best suit their personal preferences and inclinations. 

Some of these suggestions will not be possible in certain industries and individual workplaces. Nevertheless, giving employees as much independence and flexibility as possible will likely result in more loyalty and a larger pool of potential candidates for open positions.