Our calendars are amazing tools for productivity – until they aren’t. If you are starting to feel overwhelmed by your calendar or that you are missing something, then it’s time to look at how you’re managing the information that flows into it.

Here are some top tips to help you supercharge your calendar so that it helps you rather than hinders you.

  1. Bring All Accounts Into One Calendar

There is a reason why Google Calendar (or whatever other calendar management system you use) was created: because it helps manage all your different calendars easily. Determine what accounts are necessary and bring them all into the master account to make managing things as simple as possible.

  1. Schedule Your Email Time

It may seem counterproductive, but blocking out time to clear your email inbox will not only save you a ton of wasted time later but will also make you feel more in control and help you focus on the task at hand.

  1. Prioritize Tasks and Block Off Time to Complete Them

This goes along with scheduling your email time. When you have a whole day scheduled for work, you will be inclined to only do things on your calendar. If it isn’t there, then you can safely ignore it unless, of course, it is urgent!

  1. Don’t Overbook Yourself

The more calendars you have open at once, the harder time you’ll have keeping track of everything that needs to get done. There is nothing wrong with prioritizing your work, but being agreeable to too many obligations only makes the chances that you will have to cancel something more likely.

  1. Set up Calendars for Different Areas of Life

We all have different areas of our lives that we want to be mindful of. If you have kids, you may want to include a calendar for appointments and outings; if one of your main goals is personal health, make sure to schedule time for exercise and healthy meals.

With these tips, managing your calendars can become a powerful tool to make your life easier and help you get the most out of every day.